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Here it is - "Ye Olde News": 5/4/03 - Early in the morning @ 1:01 AM, I decide to call it quits. Some new Pic's from Hawaii and stuff... Perhaps more from there... 5/3/03 - I have possibly the best group of friends in the world. My sister's always told me of how the celebrated birthday parties got worse and worse from year to year as they grew older. But, for me, this is simply not the case as of this year. For my 18th birthday, I was given a belated surprise birthday party. A surprise birthday party!! I was thrilled, to say the least, and big thank-you's go out to those who helped put it together and those who simply came. Yet, I'm still holding a grudge for my broken cell phone... grrr. ¡Muchas gracias! Updated Friends for the unfortunate few and confused. Ironed out World War: Pong in Crap, and will most likely add pic's from Hawaii soon. 4/29/03 - Updated New Love and Crap. Among small other things. 3 on practice AP test in Comp./Lang. Calculus'll prove otherwise when the real deal comes. Hate that class... Hate that man... Lots of choir and stuff, so expect another period of dormancy for awhile. Barbershop quartets are awesome. So is the movie Snatch. Perhaps I'll have to make a list of kewl stuff. 4 /28/03 - A girlfriend and a half later, a rejection letter from the Naval Academy, and even a trip to Hawaii, I'm still kicking... and kicking ever so seldom. Hawaii was amazing. Simply amazing. It's amazing how fast time flies. It seems yesterday, I was holding my hands over my head at Preschool's Happy Day's Graduation, singing "Skit-a-Marink-a-Dinky-Dink." Diana (my recent girlfriend), Scott, and I went to Woodbury to reminisce. And reminisce, we did. Good times. Sister's had a kid. My goodness, a kid. That's so weird to me. My. I'm an Uncle. "Uncle Tyler," she'll call me. Well times change, but for now, this layout doesn't... I'm going to update Love, soon. Maybe within this entry... Nope... Just random things... 2/2/01 - Oh my, how funny things are when one "promises" something.... I was thinking, a rare event in my life, that maybe diarying is just the kind of content I need to keep myself busy. I don't have to pour out my innermost desires and confessions, but, well... I mean look at Donny's site. He doesn't just put up personal stuff, but most of all, he keeps up to date on it. To my vague skimming, I think I saw a week, maybe, where he didn't continue on to a different entry. It's not a bad idea. Besides, I do have quite a few stories to share. I went on a date a week ago (last Friday) and Scott and Chris and I had completely set up this really corny date. It was a Mission: Impossible kind of thing where we all had assigned roles and objectives. Let me just show you the documents. [1] [2] Anyways, long story short, I had come up running surprisingly fast. When the balls came out, I fell hard. It got me three stitches, but the tape was worth it. I mean, it was complete havoc. --Good stuff. Anyway, I'm having a get together, so I have to get my room done. I have two new sections, and probably a whole new layout coming, mainly for the reasons of those stupid 800 x 600 users. Gaah. Oh yeah. Here's two sound bytes that will compose one of those new sections coming up (You'll need Realplayer): Javier - By Me (with a cameo by Chris) Starlight - By Perry Como (rendition by Me) 1/8/01 - Well, I'm back. I took a long break and I'm back. I realized the other day that I procrastinate enough. No updates except for this page, bud. On the other hand, I have some ideas for it. TWNMC's will even start to look good if I really get inspired. Even then, with Trista's Sadie Hawkins and the sleepover at a friend's house I'm jammed this whole weekend with church on Sunday. Exams are next week - enough said. Then the next weekend, I might manage something, including a trip to the mountains on Lunes. You know what? I don't know if anyone except me looks at this piece of crap page, but if you could just give me some input on anything in the world, that would be fantastic. (Sure I sound desperate, but I am!) Besides, except for the email address errors, the joke-mail subscriptions, Jules' occasional chain letters, and those anabolic steroid "spam-atic" ads, I receive no mail. Anyways, I'm gonna' save and upload before this freezes again. Adios. 11/30/01 - Yes, I did get that dreaded room of mine completed. Mad' Dinner was fun. We wined, dined, and serenaded. They were good, but on some of their pieces, I would still venture to say I think we have done better. I added some new links on Crap and moved some News to Old News. 11/29/01 - Just updated Love. I'm not sure if it suits my opinion, but it comes as close as I think it can right now. Fixed some random items/links/text and added a little venting on my bio. I'm still "ironing" out some stuff. I might be pulling a very late night, as it's already 1:32: My parents have cut off my social life until I clean my room, and I need to go to this Madrigal Dinner for Durango tomorrow. That certain Stephanie will be singing/serving there. It wouldn't be so bad, if laundry and folding didn't take so long. Oh well, tomorrow's an easy 'B' day. I'll sleep then, haha. In retrospect I took a three hour long nap today....... I start weight lifting next week. If I stick to it and try to enjoy it, I could really bulk up. (Of course, how many times have we heard that from this skinny kid before?) I think I'm done now. Go Lakers! 11/22/01 - Happy Thanksgiving!! I just updated Crap and Old News. 11/21/01 - Well, so much has passed. Two brotherhood pages, one Shane, one Hoho' page, and three Dhanai layouts have passed since I've last written. http://www.Effit.com will probably prove to be successful. No real true power is being expressed, but I want to say, "Hello." to Stephanie. "Hello." Went to Comdex on Wednesday(11/15) and attended the Melodrama at Green Valley with Stephanie and Scott on Thursday. That's a 1. On Friday, after Madrigal Festival, we went on a date, on second speculation. (also a 1) Saturday (Sadie Hawkins) was a blast, except for the flat tire and the postponed Harry Potter. Leonid's meteor shower was definitely a spectacle not to be rushed. That was a 4. --Better luck next time. ;) Tuesday was Sun Youth Forum. That was kewl'. I think I'm gonna' stop diary-ing here, but I do want to share a piece of poetry, compliments of Stephanie, before I end:
"...And moving thro' a mirror
clear 11/11/01 - So much has past since last time I updated. Chaparral did go to the playoffs, but we lost our first game to Desert Pines. In the last 40 seconds they managed a field goal and an onside kick to break away from their tie. On the other hand, I was able to go to my annual church retreat up at Lee Canyon (Mt. Charleston). It was one of the greatest memories in my life. I met a few people. Some of which, I regret knowing, but most of which, I hope to stay in touch. I met this girl. She is very wow. The odd thing is, I've been getting to know this lady for about 60 hours, and I feel I really know her. She's special to me. Best of all, we have a peculiar amount of peculiar things in common. 10/28/01 - Well. We're going to playoffs. That'll be dandy. I added a cheesy guest book and a thought (or half of one). As you can see, I've given up on the hiding of banners. Hopefully, I can sometime figure out how pop-up's work. That would be better. That way, I'm not doing anything illegal. ;) Oh yeah. Sign my guestbook. (It's at the bottom) 10/21/01 - Last night was Homecoming. Holy cow was it fun. It was pleasantly busy with things to do and I really enjoyed the company. I even ran into a couple of people I wouldn't expect to see that night at the Venetian. This afternoon, I was asked to Sadie Hawkins by Ms. Jennifer Juhl today. Although a bit early, it should be a memorable experience, by all means. I updated friends very little and was a little hesitant to put the girls' names down, especially in the same categories as the boys. I'm about to explode on my philosophical feelings, so expect at least one other section in My Thoughts soon. --Perhaps love? 10/16/01 - Made it to Honor Choir. Special person "out there" I want to say, "Hi." to. --Updated Friends and Crap. 10/15/01 - I'm gonna' be cutting it close tomorrow. Honor Choir is at 6:00 and football gets off at 5:00. I'll just tell him I need to go early. I updated Pics. Not many friends, but I'm trying to fine tune what I already have, occasionally adding stuff. 10/13/01 - Last night was depressing... Picture this: Fourth quarter with eight seconds left. Down by only 7 points, the fourth down and 8 yards to go starts with the quarterback's hike. He throws the ball with a last ounce of hope. As it descends our receiver reaches for the ball, but it slams and bounces out of bounds. It hurt more than I would have thought. Got back from the Expressions retreat. Took a long nap. I'm kind of out of it right now. I added the scrolling text at the bottom and some comments for the links. I'm going over to Heather's house right now. 10/11/01 - Well, I'm now reading the announcements almost every time now. It's mostly due to the fact that Rachel S. just split out of nowhere. Christiane has "taken me under her wing", so to type. And as bad as I am, I'm much better than I was. Added 'Friends' section. For the most part, I just copied Javier's stuff and modified it a bit. Changed the colors slightly. Might be doing some serious editing if my dad sticks to my grounding thing. (let's just say I didn't pick up my dog's crap from around the house when he first told me to.) 10/10/01 - Have proficiency test in Reading tomorrow. I had Honor Choir today, which was pretty neat. Though, I'm kinda' scared of this one gay kid, but I think I'll just keep my distance. It dawned on me today that choir kids are weird with a capital 'W'. I wonder if I'm looked upon with such discrepancy. Filled out this odd survey today. If you haven't signed it yet, go to Crap to see the link. My cousin was online today and he was thoroughly impressed by my writing. It was probably my Football thoughts... 10/9/01 - After some unneeded searching, I found some source to automatically preload my rollovers. I also updated Football and I like it. You can reach it through My Thoughts if you want. I was going to upload some pics of friends, but my mom's scanner isn't working. I'm repetitively getting comments to change my whole color scheme, which, as I've said many times, a huge overhaul, considering I make everything, including the graphics, from the ground up. Even simply clicking to have an effect done is quite tedious and time consuming. My dad just flicked me in the head because I'm 'not in bed' and I still have to upload... :\ "Gaaaah!!! I can't work under these conditions!" 10/7/01 - Fixed rollovers [again] and all of the graphics for that matter. Updated crap. I'm adding a "Friends" section soon. The "My Thoughts" section will be updated shortly with more than one 'thought' and one sentence pertaining to such a category. 10/6/01 - I did manage to pry myself from this for a couple of days. Chaparral Football won yet another game defending their title as an undefeated team of 6-0. We crushed the Eldorado Sundevils with a 41 to 13 victory. I even managed to stay in the game and stop some of their runs. As you can see, I've changed my site. At that, many times. I've even registered at tripod 3 times today. Long story, but let's just say that Spanish sucks when you don't speak it. I've change my main page's pic' up top 4 times today. I've done a little bit of updating on Bio and Philosophies. Which reminds me, I'll be changing that to 'My Thoughts' soon. Meanwhile, I have to get my room clean so I can go on an already postponed date. 10/2/01 - Don't really feel like updating... Except for this. I had the updates backwards... Thanks, Hoho. Within the next week, I'll be updating quite a bit. I deleted the old section and am dedicating a site to it. You'll be informed. Added Philosophies, started a little bit. As you can see, I'm just trying to get a feel for this webpage, as well as a shell. 10/1/01 - Since last update, I started my "Bio" with a new pic' and added "Crap" with a new pic. Tired - must sleep. Can't spel. No snse. Nyter. 9/30/01 - Just finished crap for choir. I'm positive I have 'Precalc' homework, but I'm not doing it. The funny thing is, I don't care... I have a 108-point something percent in there... I think I'll add a little bit. Just Biography link... Not too much info, though. 9/29/01 - Well, after the football game post practice this morning and an upcoming date tonight, I've managed to squeeze just a little bit of editing here and there. I've added only the main page's layout, but it's a definite improvement over whatever 'green goo' crap I had before. 9/20/01 - Changed my member name from BassManNV7 to ElTitoChulo. --Just started. My computer's still barren of webpage editing tools. |