Mission Briefings


Operation: Blue Storm


Objectives:  Here, Alan Parsons and his accomplice, Tea, shall document the whole incident as typical teenaged tourists.  Upon arriving, no comments on the plan should be discussed in public, with couples splitting off in somewhat remote directions to devoid legal action.  With the rest of both Delta and Alpha conveniently window shopping in the area, the supposedly unsuspecting Whizpig shall stumble down a few steps with approximately one hundred rubber balls in his possession.  After C-Gol and Baloo have quite clumsily attempted to help, the rest of both teams shall make an effort to accumulate almost all of the balls.  After both teams have attained most of the balls, the teenagers should regroup for evacuation.


Priority:  High

Purpose:  Make us laugh.




Mission: Public Proposal


Objectives:  With a crowd or audience of at least 10 people, (excluding your team members) Team Alpha must assign a man to propose to his accomplice.


Priority: Mediumly High

Purpose:  Make us laugh.




Mission: Stupid Petition


Objectives:  A petition must be signed with a witty, yet ridiculously unjust topic.  Twenty signatures must be given, so one might suggest writing a few bogus names to encourage the potential “supporters.”


Priority:  Yes

Purpose:  Make us laugh.




Mission: Fake Rivals


Objectives:  Two men from the group of Alpha must get into a spurious verbal disagreement.  It is strictly verbal, although some pushing might be appreciated.


Priority: Priority?

Purpose: Purpose?