The True Tyler

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         Well, a lot of people, on giving their own biography, will fill out something that resembles a survey.  I, on the other hand, am going to try a different approach.  I am Tyler Derek Hanson.  If there's one thing you know about me, I'm not very funny.  Almost all humor that is extricated from me is completely and truly from someone else.  --But, seriously, isn't that where all humor comes from [--someone else]?  Almost all things, in one way, shape, or form, have been thought of, but not usually acted upon.  That, is another philosophy of mine -- one of many, and I've added a section dedicated to such ramblings.  Speaking of ramblings, I'm taking way too much time to tell you about myself. 

         I'm a hopeless romantic, and let's face it.  At my age, you just have the opposite sex in mind.  The only problem is, I imagine myself with a perfect girl.  But is there a "perfect girl" out there?  There always seems to be that phrase of a "Knight in Shining Armor", but what about the guys?  What if we want to be rescued?  Just a thought.

         One might not know me at all, so here are the stats:  I used to be strawberry blonde (red in some light) and am now red headed.  I'm not true red headed, though.  Especially now, with some recent bleach added.  Anyways - blue eyes and 6'2. As skinny as I am, I dig football.  I used to be a receiver/lineman. I also enjoy track and choir, although recently, I don't run anymore than I have to.  Choir's still a passion of mine.  I'm pretty smart, with an IQ (sorry to brag, but it slips out sometimes) of 146. I love the computer and am quite the gamer... I have a girlfriend.  I'm Christian... More specifically Presbyterian, and am a devout one at that.  I might be venturing into the realm of Assembly of God here at Vanguard.

Distinguishing things that make me, me:

  • I have this weird thing where I can pop my shoulder blades out really far.  I don't know if it's that special, but they sure go out. (Expect a pic soon of this! :)

  • I can solve any Rubik's Cube (3x3x3), which isn't that much of a feat where I come from, because most of my acquaintances and pals can solve it faster than I.  Speaking of, I average at under 2 minutes, which is quite frankly, terrible, but at least I can solve it.

  • I can solve, as of last year, a Rubik's Revenge (4x4x4) and the Professor's Cube (5x5x5)

  • I have a low bass voice.  I'm talking Wanna-Be Ultra Low.  I speak in baritone, and it might be subconsciously done to avoid rejection.  I used to be the lowest in my choir.  Maybe I still am.  Here's my range (This includes waking up early in the morning and when I am warmed up):  I can hit a Low, Low A up to a Middle E - Two octaves above that, if you count my falsetto.