Dictionary.com defines love as follows: love (lv) n. 1.A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. 2. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. 3.a) Sexual passion. b) Sexual intercourse. c) A love affair. 4. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object. 5. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment. -!- Love. Wow. It's almost spooky. Such a small word can have such a gigantic meaning. This word can do simple things as to make someone's day better, and can also change another's whole way of living. I, in my short sixteen years, have "gone out" with 4 girls... All of which will, for the most part, remain anonymous. Even then, what IS "going out"? In grade school, such a relationship never reaches, at least in most cases (and hopefully, at that), what my aspirations of true love is. First there is the primal instinct that truly drives every one of us -- the fixation upon reproducing. Those certain organs and the mental urges through them that torment us can seem overbearing. One might question what it is that turns people on/off. 1. Well, let's face it - looks count. There shouldn't be to much weight on it though, or else I could have some serious problems at getting a date. 2. Characteristics. Yes, as cheesy as it sounds, a decent personality can go a long way (and once again hopefully, in my case). 3. Intelligence. This should probably be in characteristics, but mental dexterity is a must in my perfect girl. Sure, you can fall in love with a slim, gorgeous girl with a stunning sense of humor, but is it that great when she laughs at your jokes when they're not intended? Even polite laughter can be scrupulously annoying. 4. Adequacy. Know when you're doing too much of something. It will help you in the long run. -!- On a more recently evolved opinion, there's a lot of controversy in the goals of dating. Sure, a soul mate to eternally bond with is just great, but why does there have to be love so soon? I mean, the typical reader right now is in their teens, and one shouldn't have to worry about such marriage and the like. Hopefully, a simple conversation with a stranger doesn't require a lifelong partnership as friends, so why should one look so soon for a perfect lover when asked on an innocent date. I, with much deliberation, aggravation, and lastly, relief, decided what my new outlook on dating is perceived as. A friend of mine, upon interrogation of the subject, mentioned that dating, as far as high school is concerned, should be aimed for "skills" in relationships. (Let me pause here for a second. These skills aren't necessarily things you need to work on, but they are the comfort of sharing things with one another, as relationships are revolved around sharing. I think I'm done, now.) These little relationships can either blossom into a strong friendship, a bad (but educational) experience, or a true other half equivalency. These skills will help your more intimate and stronger relationships in the future. Then, there's always the boyfriend-girlfriend factor. Eventually, there will be a time where you are exclusive. Some may even draw the lines with flirting with others, even though options need to be kept open. ;) I, as you know, have had some girlfriends, because I just wanted a girlfriend at the time when the chance arose. The problem (Once again centralizing on my typical teen reader, here) is that you feel almost constrained. This opposite sex is yours to flirt with, and no one else. Lately, I've professed that I don't want a girlfriend. That's all the truth there is. I, personally, have many problems with having a relationship right now. (And yes, I'm going to number my points again.;) 1. I don't drive. I'd like to spend a good amount of time with this girl. Bonding with this girl at school or church is rather impersonal. It's just not as nice. 2. I don't have a job. Although it may SEEM I have an infinite amount of dollars in my seemingly comfortable ATM, things change. Money "disappears". Twenty for some flowers here. Thirty for a dinner and movie. Maybe 30 to 40 here for a special gift on that certain special occasion. 3. I don't like that exclusiveness. It makes things odd with other girls. 4. I'm in frickin' high school! I'm a big bad Junior (as of now) and with school, church, and choir, in itself, I don't have enough time to make it a worthwhile relationship of quality. -!- My point is, I plan on dating, as soon as I get a frickin' license. Until then, I'll just have to work with what I have abusing other's licenses. I suppose I'll leave and conclude with this cheesy, yet thoughtful, question: When was the last time you dated someone? |